W październiku 2013 r. przyjechały do Krosna dwie studentki: Leisel Magg i Jordan Ebel. Mając do wyboru takie kraje jak Norwegia, Włochy, Hiszpania, Indonezja, Nowa Zelandia i Portoryko zdecydowały się na Polskę. Obydwie są na ostatnim roku studiów na Wydziale Nauk Humanistycznych. Jordan specjalizuje się w języku angielskim i hiszpańskim, a Leisel w naukach społecznych i przyrodzie. Uczniowie naszego Gimnazjum oprowadzili je po Krośnie, prezentując najciekawsze miejsca. Z jedną z klas gimnazjalnych odwiedziły Centrum Dziedzictwa Szkła. Z inną klasą były na wycieczce w Łańcucie. Jordan i Leisel prowadziły zajęcia z uczniami – konwersacje, prezentacje i quizy. Oprócz prowadzenia lekcji, wspólnie z uczniami zorganizowały w szkole Halloween Party i Dzień Amerykański.
Wrażenia Jordan i Leisel
Poland has a lot of history and is beautiful. I enjoyed seeing many attractions around Krosno. Poland is a great country, it has a lot to offer. I’ve enjoyed my stay here. Polish people are friendly and welcoming. I enjoyed getting to know the people here and around Krosno. I like Krosno, it’s a nice place to live.
The school is very impressive and I can tell that the students are here to learn and are focused. The teachers also provide an atmosphere that is focused and strive for excellence from the students. The teachers are friendly and helpful. The students are friendly as well, I enjoyed saying hello to them in the hallways. The building is big with a lot of classrooms but it feels small. It took a while to get the direction down but it was good. The thing that surprised me the most was about the different times of meals. It was different.
I really enjoyed teaching here and I enjoyed the students but especially junior high students! Thanks so much for allowing me to come here and learn about Polish culture and see how Polish schools are different than American schools. It will impact my teaching in so many ways as well as me as a person.